Automated customs clearance with Auto-TVINN

With Maritech CMS, you can now easily handle customs clearance yourself; anywhere, anytime.

Customs clearance in a flash

Customs clearance can now be done much more easily, cheaply, and securely than before, as an integrated part of the sales process.*

The new Maritech CMS is fully integrated with Maritech Purchase & Sales, which means that you basically only need to press a button in the system to clear the seafood for export. The prerequisite is that the sales order information is correct. All information is automatically retrieved and filled in where it belongs. You also get suggestions for filling out any empty fields.

This means you don’t have to pay someone to do the job for you, as most people still do today.

*For Norwegians customers only

Automatic Control and Auto-TVINN

Additionally, an automated check of the fields is performed. This improves data quality and ensures that a secure and traceable log of all communication is stored directly in the system you already use. This also reduces dependency on individual employees, and you receive customs and tax receipts directly into the ERP system after customs clearance.

The system is set up with Auto-TVINN, allowing customs clearance to be processed directly from the invoice, and you can also communicate directly with Tollvesenet.

Watch the demo to the left to see how easy it is!

– Built on the framework of Timpex CMS

Maritech CMS is built on the framework of its earlier version, Timpex CMS, and has been developed by a multidisciplinary team with expertise in customs clearance, logistics, seafood, and software development. We also maintain close and ongoing cooperation with Tolletaten.

– Beyond the actual savings related to forwarding services, it’s clearly a huge advantage to only need to press one button to handle customs clearance, says Klas Larsson, customs clearance expert at Maritech. In the 1980s, he helped start Timpex, and since then, his workdays have revolved around customs and customs software. Today, he is one of Norway’s leading experts in the field.

Klas Larsson - Maritech

– You no longer need to collect, archive, and send information manually. Additionally, you get automated checks and assistance with data entry, along with seamless data flow between the systems you already use. Plus, since it’s a cloud solution, you don’t need to be in the office or have a PC available to handle customs clearance—everything is flexible. Everyone will greatly benefit from this.

Check out our demos and learn more about our software.