Nova Sea

Customer Case – Purchase & Sales

“We continue our digital transformation journey by embracing cloud technology to streamline our processes,” Birkeland says.

Based in Lovund, Nova Sea AS is one of the largest producers of farmed salmon in Northern Norway. They have aquaculture facilities along the entire Helgeland coast and exports salmon to customers worldwide.

– For us, Maritech was a well-considered and natural choice. Geir Johan Birkeland, Former Head of IT at Nova Sea.

Innovation & Quality

“We have already worked closely with Maritech in the pre-project we conducted last year, and we find them to be a solid partner. Innovation and quality are essential common denominators; we challenge each other and make each other even better.

The new cloud software will enhance efficiency across various departments within our company, from coordination to sales, invoicing, and accounting. This will provide us with better control and create synergies beyond the functions directly involved in the project.”  

A highly innovative customer 

“Nova Sea is a highly innovative and technology-driven company, and we are proud that they have chosen us,” said Klas Vangen, VP Sales at Maritech. 

“They produce premium products, have a strong focus on sustainability and technology, and their team is exceptionally skilled. We have learned a lot from them through our work together in recent months. Their expertise and dedication are crucial to Nova Sea’s success and have also added significant value to our collaboration. We look forward to achieving new milestones together and helping them continue increasing their growth.”

About Nova Sea

A Norwegian success story: Packed in plastic bags, the first farmed salmon arrived aboard a sea plane that landed in Lovund in 1972.

The original Nova Sea AS was established as a fish processing company at Naustholmen in Lovund in 1985. Since then, its development has been nothing short of remarkable.

Their vision is “The perfect balance”. Their values are: Local, Responsible, Competent and Proud.

Nova Sea chose Maritech Cloud