A year of growth for Maritech Iceland

“We have a strong brand and product-market fit in both the fishing and aquaculture industry in Iceland” says Konráð Hatlemark Olavsson, Country Manager, Maritech.

In 2023, we really proved our solid position in Iceland. Key highlights of the year was the successful Maritech Cloud project at Arnarlax, Maritech Eye at UA/Samherji and UR Seafood, and the ongoing Maritech Cloud and Packing project with Matorka.

“The Icelandic seafood industry has been evolving over the decades, transitioning from being driven by manual labor to becoming digitalized and automated. All this new technology requires precise control and coordination. It is the role of companies like ours to make things easier and ensure that managers have the best access to clear information, automated documentation and user-friendly tools.

In fisheries, the need for data collection and processing begins at the quota level. Then, software is needed to monitor the catches, record their progress, and notify the relevant parties. Landing, processing, utilization, packaging, storage, sales, transportation, and traceability – all these are things that need to be recorded and managed. Within the aquaculture segment, we can help our customers ensure efficient handling of all processes from harvest to plate, with automated documentation through the value chain.”

We have satisfied reference customers and a lot more to offer the seafood industry in Iceland. We are looking forward to further growth and new milestones in 2024.