Grieg Seafood

Customer Case Maritech Transport Planning

First Maritech Transport Planning Pilot live in cloud 

The innovative team at Grieg Seafood is known for their ability to ensure to first-mover advantages.

As the first pilot customer, they are now live in our new cloud solution Maritech Transport Planning.    

In everything they do, Grieg Seafood is paving the way for more efficient and streamlined processes. When starting their new sales organization in January 2021, they decided to become our first big customer in Maritech Purchase & Sales, while working closely with us on user experience improvements and the further development of new functionality

At the same time, the Grieg team kicked off their seafood logistics operations. As the need for system support soon became urgent, several years before Maritech Cloud was ready to cover these processes, they decided to use our old Timpex TMS transport management while waiting for the new software being developed. In January 2024 the wait was over, as Grieg went live after phase one of their Maritech Transport Planning pilot project with us, which started in May last year.   

We have talked to Terje Larssen, Supply Chain Logistics Manager at Grieg Seafood, about the project and background.

Overcoming challenges with seafood logistics

Terje, could you tell us a little bit about the challenges in seafood logistics and how they have led to the need for a new business system? 

Terje: One of the main challenges everyone in our field are dealing with, is the gap between what we anticipate and what actually occurs in our operations. We rarely have all information about the actual orders until 1-2 days prior to the transport, which has to been booked several days ahead. Parallelly, you have to handle changes all the time, it can be many changes for each order. And each change lead to others in terms of e.g. transport bookings, customer communications and allocation.  

This uncertainty demands a robust business system, particularly for managing our transport operations effectively. Furthermore, ensuring smooth data flow between our sales system and logistics operations is crucial and the reason we have chosen Maritech Transport Planning.  

The key lies in maintaining flexibility, especially when handling forecasts, changes, and other variables. Now we can also start ordering capacity rather than specific orders, which allows us to adapt even more seamlessly. 

Grieg Seafood chose Maritech Transport Planning

Could you walk us through the journey of implementing the new system with Maritech? 

Terje: We began exploring the possibility some time ago. Initially, there was a process of pitching our vision and discussing the scope of the project. Maritech proposed starting with their Timpex TMS, which proved to be a sensible approach. After the planned two year-period using this system as our temporary solution,  we have now left it behind and completed the first step of our transition to fully cloud-based supply chain management. The project started with an initial phase last summer, where we mapped needs and exchanged experience with other systems. The goal was to reveal the best from all perspectives. Now, with the go-live after phase one, much is in place. The Maritech project team has done a very good job so far.  

How do you envision the impact of this new system on your operations moving forward? 

Terje: With the new system, we aim to simplify and streamline our logistics operations, ultimately improving efficiency and control. We anticipate significant benefits in terms of enhanced visibility, better decision-making, and ultimately, a more seamless customer experience. 

After the next two project phases, I believe we will have reached the result we are aiming for, a setup where everything runs seamlessly between Maritech Purchase & Sales and our transport management in Maritech Transport Planning. The future-proof and scalable way to manage our seafood logistics. 

Read about how Grieg Seafood use our Nadsaq Benchmarking Report.

About Grieg Seafood

Grieg Seafood is a global leader in salmon farming, targeting a harvest of 120,000 to 135,000 tonnes by 2026. Their farms are located in Rogaland and Finnmark in Norway, and in British Columbia and Newfoundland in Canada. Grieg Seafood is committed to sustainable farming practices, ensuring minimal environmental impact and optimal fish welfare. As they grow towards 2026, they aim to enhance cost efficiency and evolve from being a pure salmon supplier to an innovation partner for select customers.

Grieg Seafood