Nasdaq Benchmarking Report

– Benchmark your Prices Against the Nasdaq Index 


How strong is your pricing strategy? Benchmarking has never been easier.

Our new Nasdaq Benchmarking Report is designed to easily help you compare your achieved prices against the Nasdaq index – fully automated and without the need for Excel sheets or other manual processes. 


Easy to get started

Setting up the report is quick and easy, as it is fully automated and relies on data directly from our existing systems. The system compares these data against the Nasdaq index through Maritech Analytics, and you get the full overview with dashboards and graphs. This means less time spent on manual processes and better decision-making based on accurate data.

A Critical Tool

The Nasdaq Benchmarking Report has already garnered positive feedback from our customers. 

See why Grieg Seafood has found it to be highly valuable for their decision making. “We save time and get highly valuable insights into pricing trends across various markets and sizes.” Piotr C. Wingaard, Business Development Director at Grieg Seafood.

Make better-informed decisions

Overall, the Nasdaq Benchmarking Report is set to revolutionize the way you benchmark your prices and make better-informed decisions based on reliable data.

Are you curious to know more about the features of the report? Don’t hesitate to contact us by leaving your email in the box below – we would love to talk nerdy to you!

Want to know more? Let us know!

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