
We believe that the way we can make the biggest impact, is through our customers all over the world.

A greener value chain

From our early beginning in 1975, focusing on traceability through the value chain has been a common denominator for all Maritech solutions and projects. Today, this foundation is more important than ever, as it is enabling our customers to optimize their processes and contribute to a greener, more efficient value chain.

As a leading technology company, we are in a position where we see it as our duty, as well as a major opportunity, to help our customers to do more sustainable business. Examples are optimization of transport capacity, sensor data from IoT, and improved production planning resulting in reduced waste and resource consumption. Our analytics tools provide valuable insights, and our traceability solutions ensure food security and documentation throughout the value chain.

Sustainable Development Goals - Maritech
Sustainable Development Goals

Identifying the potential

Since 2021, a cross-functional sustainability group in Maritech has cooperated to find out how we can optimize our sustainability efforts and align and integrate new activities with our core operations, everyday practices, and overall strategy.

We are focusing on identifying low-hanging fruits as well as initiatives with a more extensive scope, such as product development ideas, potential research projects and new partnerships.

One of the initial activities was an internal survey amongst all employees, mapping the sustainability engagement and ideas across our organization. The next step was a series of workshops at Protomore Innovation Lab, where we also included some of our customers in the process to discuss what we can do to help them reduce their environmental footprint. Onwards, we are following up on the outcomes of the workshops on both the strategic and operational level, with sustainability group members in all our teams, each with a special responsibility for the actions we are planning ahead.

Pre-project: The future landing of fish

In 2019, the Norwegian Department of Fisheries and Seafood published the proposition NOU 2019: 21 Future Fisheries Control for public consultation. If the proposals in this consultation are implemented, it will lead to major changes in terms of landing fish; tracking, automation and control from catch to the fish is packed. As this is a highly relevant topic for Maritech we decided to apply for pre-project funding from Innovation Norway in H1 2020, to map out relevant aspects related to the future landing of fish. The application was approved and the work has started, led by our Product and Technology Director Bjørnar Kvalsnes and our IoT Director Andre Lillebakk (image) in close cooperation with ProtoMore Innovation Lab in Molde. We believe that, while satisfying new regulatory requirements and ensuring sustainable fishery practices, it may be possible to increase the value of wild fish, by optimizing the landing process in terms of quality and tracking.

Product and technology Director Bjørnar Kvalsnes and IoT Director Andre Lillebakk, Maritech

The Explorer

The Explorer is the official marketplace for green technology from Norway, and connects international needs with Norwegian solutions. “All solutions on The Explorer are linked to specific Sustainable Development Goals and help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or other negative impacts on the environment.”

Maritech is featured by The Explorer as a trusted provider of traceability software for the seafood supply chain, enabling accountability and improvement and supporting sustainable fishing practices: Seafood – accountability from ocean to table.

Maritech’s software solutions enable tracing of seafood from catch to supply, ensuring sustainable fishing practices and an ecologically responsible seafood industry.

The Explorer

UN Global Compact

Since 2020, we have been a participant in the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. The UN Global Compact was formed 20 years ago, as a call to companies world-wide, “to align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption – and take actions that advance societal goals”. Today (October 2020), the UN Global Compact consist of 11 600 participating companies from 156 countries.

We applied to join the UN Global Compact to learn and develop our sustainability strategy – through specific projects, competence programs and co – operation with other companies. Together we can achieve more than what each of us can on our own.

We support UN Global Compact