The insights you need  

Are your decision making processes based on what you assume or what you know?

Know more to earn more

We bet you would love to spend less time searching for data and producing reports. And easily get the overview you need to optimize processes and improve your margins.

All companies generate large amounts of data through production, processing, transportation and trading. Data that holds valuable insight into your operations, markets and customers, and may represent competitive advantages and crucial decision making support.

However, as they are typically stored in different databases and systems, you often need to put in a massive amount of manual work needed to extract, analyse and report them. This practical block is also likely to limit your ability to utilize the full power of the data. Hence, turning them into valuable knowledge is often complicated and demands a combination of the right tools and expertise.

Maritech Analytics

Quickly access and analyze your live company data – anytime, anywhere.

With Maritech’s Analytics solution, you can turn data into insights with customizable KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for reporting that help you move from reactive to proactive decision-making in real-time. Avoid spending time comparing and reconciling data from multiple spreadsheets — hours that could be better spent running your business.

You can access data from many sources in one portal, and use dashboards to share insights and performance across your organization.

  • “Instead of gathering data, we now spend more time on analyzing. This improves our decision making-processes.”

  • “We have seen substantial savings in time spent on gathering, analyzing and reporting of data, and moving forward.”

    Coast Seafood

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Unlock the value of your data

In Maritech, Data Science is one of our main focus areas. Our highly-skilled team is working closely with our customers to make their data analysis easy, valuable and efficient. 

In addition to our standardized solutions we can help you tailor the dashboards and reports you need, we also offer advisory services within data science in the seafood and logistics industry. So do not hesitate to let us know if you would like to know more, we would love to talk to you and discuss how you can unlock the value of your data.

Automate your Finance reporting

Too time-consuming, you say? Yes, we know. Reporting can demand a lot of your hours and energy. Especially when you have to collect a lot of the information manually, over and over again.

The easier way is to automate your reporting of key financial data with Power BI in Maritech Analytics. To help you out, our data science team has created a set of tools and templates tailored for your reporting tasks. For example, you can now automate your Management and Board reports, Quarterly/yearly reports, KPI Dashboard, Reporting on group, departments or projects, Cost Analysis reports, Balance dashboards, Customer reporting on credits and payment status and Currency exposure reports. Sounds nice, right?


Costs, Market Insights and Customers

How quickly can you respond to price changes? Which markets needs your immediate attention today?

Increase your precision and profitability with our new Costs, Customers and Market Insights reports, tailored for seafood traders and producers.


Customer Analysis Report by Maritech

Maritech Analytics Logistics

Ensure more efficient, profitable and sustainable operations.

Maritech Analytics for Logistics is a new cloud solution built in Microsoft Azure, that gives you a complete overview of data on customers, suppliers, transport corridors, invoicing rate, capacity utilization, sustainability KPIs and delivery precision. The information is visualized in dashboards, providing both overview and detailed knowledge, to make it easier to identify the adjustments needed to streamline the flow of goods and increase your profitability.